
Hobbit Concept Art

Here are some fantastic concept art images by John Howe and Alan Lee from the new book The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles that is now for sale. Jump past the break to see the rest.

A Review––The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Wow. Just wow. That was quite the movie. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was every bit the adventure it claimed to be. And like any adventure, it had its share of good parts, fantastic parts, not-so-good parts, and (in my opinion) some very-well timed funny parts as well. I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite being a bit apprehensive after having read a lot of mixed reviews over the past few days. How did it stack up against the LOTR trilogy? Difficult to say, really. It was a different story, with different goals and motivations. But, if forced to rank AUJ against the LOTR films, I'd have to say I thought it at least as good as ROTK, better than TT and nearly as good as FOTR. Of course, I've had a lot of time to think (and re-watch) the LOTR films, so my final opinion will undoubtedly change in the future. I'll dive into the details after the break . . . so read on, Tolkien fan, and see what An Unexpected Journey  has in store for you.

13 minute Hobbit Preview + Screenshots

If you're not too squeemish about spoilers, take a gander at this awesome preview of the upcoming movie (which is less than 1 WEEK AWAY!!!!). Then jump past the post to look at some of the best new images from the preview.

7 Days 'Till The Hobbit: Quote 1

Over the next seven days we'll counting down to the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey by posting up some of the best quotes from The Hobbit in Facebook-friendly formats for you to share with the whole world. Here for your enjoyment is the first one!

To download the full-size image just click on it to enlarge and then right click and save.