
Is this Girion, Lord of Dale?

If you're familiar with the Hobbit, you know that Bard is the descendant of the last King of Dale, Girion. This quick scene in the latest Desolation of Smaug trailer is clearly a flashback to the attack, and I'm wondering if its also our first look at the doomed lord of Dale. What makes me think so? Notice all the bodies piled around him. Those are soldiers, unless I miss my guess, and they all seem to be wearing the orange/brown cloaks typical of the Dale soldiers we've seen so far. Girion (or who I think is Girion) on the other hand, is dressed in a pretty flashy looking suit of armor . . . he kind of screams nobility. Plus, he just has that noble look to him.

I dunno, what do you guys think?

Another Awesome Desolation of Smaug Poster

Man, they're coming fast and furious now, aren't they? This new poster featuring Legolas and Tauriel might be my favorite, along with the poster of Bard (whom I'm beginning to like more and more). Can't wait for this movie!

New The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug Trailer!

It's here! Check out the newest trailer for the Desolation of Smaug. It's . . . pretty much amazing. More screenshots and comments to come later today!