
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, January 2012

This post marks the start of a new series: at the end of each month (I know, I'm three days late) I'll try and scour the internet and make an up-to-date list of the progress that has been made on the Hobbit movie during the previous month. Since this is the first of these posts, I'll make it a longer list and just include all the film-related events that have occurred so far. Just a note to everyone before they read . . . I'm a Tolkien geek, not a film geek, so the things I list will be mainly concerned with how fast is this movie getting made, not with where so-and-so was spotted last weekend. Sorry if thats disappointing.

*Due credit goes to Of Thorin Oakenshield and The Hobbit - a perspective from across the Tasman, which provided most of the info I needed to get this list started.

Find this awesome list after the break!
January, 2012

December, 2011

  • 19th December: End of filming for 2011

Prior Stuff (2011)

  • 10th of November: Reports of a mystery set. Beorn's jato?
  • 13th of October: 1 year since Hobbit movie directed by PJ was announced
  • 30th of September: Interview with PJ about filming
  • 20th of August: Filming begins again, as reported here
  • May 30th: Titles of two Hobbit films announced
    • December 14, 2012: "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
    • December 13, 2012: "The Hobbit: There and Back Again"

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