
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, April and May 2012

So, I started writing this post at the end of April . . . but then silly little things like writing a thesis and providing for a family kind of took up the rest of the next two months. Apologies all around. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things though, so here comes a brief recap of all the Hobbit-ee related stuff that interested me (in other words, stuff about the story and the actual movie . . . not the lives of the actors).

Unlike February and March, April and May were full of surprises . . . some good, some kinda good, and some . . . well that's mostly up to your own fancies. Catch up on all the April/May Hobbit action after the break!

Note: since I'm playing catch-up on this post, due credit should go to M58's incredibly detailed timeline of Hobbit-related news.
May, 2012

April, 2012

March, 2012

February, 2012 (not much happened movie wise . . .)

January, 2012

December, 2011
  • 19th December: End of filming for 2011

Prior Stuff (2011)
  • 10th of November: Reports of a mystery set. Beorn's jato?
  • 13th of October: 1 year since Hobbit movie directed by PJ was announced
  • 30th of September: Interview with PJ about filming
  • 20th of August: Filming begins again, as reported here
  • May 30th: Titles of two Hobbit films announced
    • December 14, 2012: "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
    • December 13, 2012: "The Hobbit: There and Back Again"


  1. So, after all the craziness with Radagast, what do you think about the collective mental image of Dain so far?? Mohawks, big armor, and wild pig riding. Are they pandering to a World of Warcraft audience, or are they going back to what might be the origins of that stereotype?

    1. Wow . . . hadn't heard about the mohawks thing. :)

      I think Mr. Jackson is trying really hard to give this movie a more lighthearted feel without making it childish, which to me seems like a pretty hard balance to strike. I mean, on the one hand he's got the book fans to please (and they want TH's tone to be lighter) and on the other hand he's got the movie fans to please (and they want TH to feel like LOTR).

      I'd read about the pig idea, and I actually kind of like that one. Big armor . . . I'm down with that too. The mohawk though . . . I'd have to see it, I guess. :)

      Your opinion?

  2. Mohawks can be cool, but whether Jackson will go far overboard with it (good chance that) will determine if I like it or not.

    I mean, there is this:

    And then there is this:

    I guess Dain has to make a big impression fast, so I can see why he needs something visually distinctive (after all the wild things that we will have seen up to that point) but the less cartoony the better please! And the big armor may just be full plate armor (which would appear massive compared to the layers of leather or mail which we've seen on the other dwarves).

    Same thing with the pig riding. I like the look of this, but it has much to do with the attitude coming across:

    But I fear Dain is going to steal the spotlight from Thorin in a big way if old Oakenshield doesn't find a better gimmick fast. I propose he could enter the Battle of Five Armies riding Beorn in bear form! Sure it deviates from the canon, but not by THAT much.
    And think how wicked that would look:

    Crazy idea? Maybe...but there is this odd thing that Richard Taylor is riding in vlog 7, which I've been thinking is a white warg, but maybe it's really a polar bear mount for Thorin's grand entrance :-)
