
Thranduil revealed! Oh . . . and Saruman too . . .

Finally, some more Hobbit pics! Call me spoiled . . . but I was getting pretty tired of this post SDCC picture drought we've been in. I mean, it's been what, three weeks? Anyways, folks over at gave us this fantastic image of the White Council (including for the first time Saruman the White), and even better, our first glimpse of Thranduil, the Woodland King. If you're not afraid of some major spoilers, jump past the break to have a looksie at Legolas' dad:

Now, I have to admit, this hasn't been my favorite spoiler from the upcoming movies. I'm not sure why, but this just isn't what I pictured Thranduil looking like. Of course, new Thranduil looks a whole lot better than the Rankin-Bass version; but, there are still just a few things I don't like that much. For instance, why couldn't the "Woodland King" have a bit more of a woodland look to him? As far as I can tell, except for his crown, the guy looks just like all the other elves we've seen in Rivendell and Lorien. And at least the RB cartoon got Thranduil's crown right . . . the crown is supposed to be made from real berries and real leaves. Now, to WETA's credit, they did get the color of the leaves right. But precious-metal or not, they're still fake! To be fair, aside from those few complaints, the guy is slowly growing on me (as usual . . . curse you PJ!). His sword looks awesome, it's hands down my favorite thing about this guy.

So, in short, I'm stoked to get these new pictures and anxiously waiting for more!

Later . . .


  1. Well he is a king. He has to be a bit more flashy than his subjects. And from what we have seen all the other wood elves quite woodsy.

    1. *sigh . . . you're probably right. I had forgotten about Legolas and Tauriel (what we've seen of her, at least). What are your thoughts on Thranduil?

  2. As you said it is growing on me. I am fairly pleased with it over all. He fits my mental image to an extent except for the silver outfit. Many characters in fact have grown on me, I hated kili and Fili at first and now I love em!

    1. I know . . . PJs characters have a way of becoming awesome over time. I like this guy more and more each time I see him.

      p.s. I haven't forgotten about your t-shirt, scout's honor.

  3. yeah as a huge fan big time reader of the books, I agree with your thranduil comments , he isn't woodland enough ...his warriors/ army armour looks too ripped off from elronds co. and actually too much like chest curiass or plate , ..that being said it could be said its hardened leather ( good enough for orc weapons) but this all being said, to john Q public non Tolkien reader.... it ties the elves together....

    1. True, true . . . and yeah, for people who've only seen the movies I think you're right . . . it would definitely tie everything together.

  4. Thranduil does, in fact, have berries in his crown. You can see them in this picture:

    They're extremely small and subtle, though. I get the feeling the designers felt that a huge, puffy bunch of leaves and berries on top of this guy's head would look a little too.... happy, or something.

  5. too beautiful for a king.. I wonder what his spouse would look like?..I mean the mother of legolas...? love his crown... ^_^
