Friday at the Mathom-House: Abe Papakhian

Friday is here again folks, and this time we're enjoying the amazing illustrations of Abe Papkhian. You can check out all of Abe's work over on Continuing last week's theme of hand-drawn art, Abe's illustrations are all pencil or watercolor. Now, I'm not sure if you'll agree, but I feel like there is definitely something Brother's Hildebrandt about Abe's style. I'm a fan. Jump past the break to see even more awesome Hobbit and LOTR art.

The Ride of the Rohirrim

Lord of Rivendell

A Conspiracy Unmasked

A Range, a Wizard and a Hobbit

Bard the Bowman

Eomer and Aragorn


Gondorian Cavalry

Let Me Tell You a Story

Minas Ithil

I am Gandalf

Minas Tirith

Mithrandir and Imrahil Kindling the Fires of Hope

No Man am I


Oathbreakers, Why have ye Come?

Soldier of Gondor

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Last Alliance

The Hobbit

The Passing of Thorin Oakenshield


  1. This last picture almost made me cry. It's so beautiful and emotional, especially since this scene is already one of the most touching in the book.

    1. I agree. The artist did a great job of capturing the emotion of the scene. Powerful stuff.

  2. Ótimo de Trabalho! Prosperidade!!


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